Adopted August 2019

Xavier University Alumni Association - New Orleans Chapter Bylaws


Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the Xavier University Alumni Association - New Orleans Chapter, hereinafter designated as “the Chapter”.


Article II - Objective

The objectives of the Chapter shall be to promote the interests of Xavier University of Louisiana, establish mutually beneficial relationships between the university and its alumni, establish scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, and foster the mission of St. Katherine Drexel.


Article III - Membership

Section 1. Eligibility of Membership.  All graduate, former students, or any individual who has a connection to Xavier University shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter.


Section 2. Levels of Membership.  The membership of the Chapter shall consist of two (2) levels: active and associate.

  1. Active Members.  Any individual who has graduated from Xavier University shall be eligible for active membership.  Eligible graduates who pay membership dues for the calendar year shall participate in the governance of the Chapter by having the right to vote at all meetings of the General Membership and hold offices of the Chapter.  They shall receive any publications and notices to all meetings held under the auspices of the Chapter.

    1. Recent Graduates.  Recent graduates shall enjoy one (1) year of complimentary membership to the Chapter during the year following their graduation.

  2. Associate Members.  Any individual who matriculated at Xavier University and has withdrawn in good standing after having completed one (1) semester shall be eligible for associate membership. Additionally, any individual who has an interest in the University, including spouses and children of alumni, shall be entitled to associate membership.  Eligible individuals who pay membership dues for the calendar year shall participate in the governance of the Chapter by having the right to vote at all meetings of the General Membership of the Chapter.  They shall receive any publications and notices to all meetings held under the auspices of the Chapter.

  3. Pre-Alumni Members.  Any individual of the Xavier University Pre-Alumni Council shall be eligible for pre-alumni membership.  Eligible individuals who pay membership dues for the calendar year will be paired with an active or associate member for mentorship. They shall receive any publications and notices to all meetings held under the auspices of the Chapter.


Article IV - Dues

Section 1. Calendar Year.  Each calendar year shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31.


Section 2. Dues of Members.  The annual dues of active and associate members shall be $50.00 per calendar year, from which $10.00 shall be donated to the Xavier Annual Fund.  The annual dues of pre-alumni members shall be $5.00 per calendar year.


Section 3. Grace Period.  Members shall have a grace period until the first meeting of the General Membership of the calendar year to pay dues.


Article V - Officers

Section 1. Elective Officers.  The elective officers of the Chapter shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, and a secretary.


Section 2. Appointive Officers.  The appointive officers of the Chapter shall consist of the committee chairpersons, a parliamentarian, and a chaplain.


Section 3. Term of Officers.  Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, in the manner provided for in the bylaws.  The officers shall serve no more than two (2) terms.


Section 4. Vacancies.

  1. Presidency.  Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice-President shall succeed to the presidency and make an appointment to fill the vacant office of Vice-President.  Both officers shall serve the unexpired portion of the term.

  2. Other offices.  Should the office of any other officer become vacant, the President shall make an appointment to fill the vacant office.  The officer shall serve the unexpired portion of the term.

  3. Eligibility for Appointment.  An appointee shall be an active member of the Chapter.


Section 5. Duties of the President.  The President shall preside at the meetings of the Chapter, serve as a voting member of the Board of Governors, and be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Chapter, except the Election Committee.  The President shall countersign all contracts to which the Chapter is a party.  Normally the President does not vote, however in case of a tie vote, the President, shall have the deciding vote.  The President shall make all appointments of the Chapter.


Section 6. Duties of the Vice-President.  In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.  The Vice-President shall chair the Membership Development Committee and be responsible for checking the Chapter’s post office mailbox.


Section 7. Duties of the Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures of the Chapter, receive all funds, and give receipts for all monies received.  The Treasurer shall pay out money only upon approval of bills authorized by the Executive Board.


Section 8. Duties of the Secretary.  The Secretary shall record and distribute minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the General Membership.  The Secretary shall send out notices of the meetings of the General Membership.  The Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the Chapter and report all communications received, including amenities.


Section 9. Duties of the Committee Chairpersons.  The Committee Chairpersons shall organize its respective committee to fulfill its duty and give reports at the meetings of the General Membership.


Section 10. Duties of the Parliamentarian.  The Parliamentarian shall advise the President, officers, committees and members on matters of Parliamentary Procedure. 


Section 11. Duties of the Chaplain.  The Chaplain shall serve as the spiritual advisor for the New Orleans Chapter.  The Chaplain shall determine and deliver the appropriate opening and closing prayers at all meetings and gatherings.


Section 12. Executive Board. 

  1. Officers.  The Executive Board shall consist of the elective officers of the Chapter. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter between its regularly scheduled meetings.

  2. Meetings.  The Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons shall meet during the interim between meetings of the General Membership, when necessary.

  3. Quorum.  Two (2) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Executive Board.


Article VI - Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees.  Standing Committees are constituted to perform certain functions of the Chapter to remain in existence permanently.  The President will appoint the chairperson of each standing committee and fill any vacancy that may arise in the committees.  Chairpersons of the standing committees serve for a term corresponding to that of the officers and are normally appointed by the President at the beginning of the President’s administration.  The standing committees of the Chapter shall be:

  1. Bylaws Committee.  The Bylaws Committee shall ensure that the Chapter has a body of rules that facilitates its overall governance and formulate recommendations on bylaws proposals made by the Chapter members.

  2. Fundraising Committee.  The Fundraising Committee shall oversee the Chapter’s overall fundraising by establishing special events to raise money and develop relationships with corporate sponsors.

  3. Membership Development Committee.  The Membership Development Committee shall make recommendations to ensure the Chapter growth by developing recommendations regarding membership recruitment and retention strategies and engaging undergraduate and graduate students in the Pre-Alumni Council.


Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees.  The President shall appoint committees to carry out specific tasks, as the need arises.  The President will appoint the chairperson of each ad hoc committee.  At the completion of the task and presentation of the final report to the Chapter, the ad hoc committee shall cease to exist.


Section 3. Events.  All committees shall submit to the body, in writing, a detailed proposal of each suggested event to include but not be limited to the following: the purpose of the event, an itemized budget, the expected revenue generated, and the requirements needed from each member to reach the goal of the event.  It requires a two-thirds (⅔) vote at the meetings of the General Membership.


Article VII - Meetings of the General Membership

Section 1. Meetings of the General Membership.  The meetings of the General Membership shall be scheduled six (6) times a year, set by the Executive Board.


Section 2. Quorum.  At least two (2) Executive Board members and at least ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the meetings of the General Membership.


Section 3. Order of Business.  The following shall be the order of business at the meetings of the General Membership:

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

  3. Reports

    1. President

    2. Treasurer

    3. Committees

  4. Unfinished Business

  5. New Business

  6. Adjournment


Section 4. Parliamentary Authority.  The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Chapter may adopt.  The Parliamentarian shall be available at every meeting of the General Membership and available for consultation, as needed.


Section 5. Budget.

  1. Proposed Budget.  During the last meeting of the General Membership of the calendar year, the President or President-Elect shall present a proposed budget for the upcoming calendar year to approve by the General Membership.

  2. Amenities.  If the President or a former president of the Chapter is hospitalized or dies, a plant or flowers shall be sent or hand delivered. The plant should not exceed $30.00.  A card shall be sent to the other members of the Chapter who are hospitalized or dies.  This courtesy card shall be extended to immediate family members of the Chapter, including spouses, parents, or children.


Article VIII - Nominations and Elections

Section 1.  Election Year.  The election shall be held biennially before the last meeting of the General Membership of the calendar year.


Section 2. Election Committee.  The role of the Election Committee shall be to manage all aspects of the election.  A committee of three (3) members, appointed by the President, shall nominate at least two (2) candidates for each of the elective officers to fill.  Members of the Election Committee shall not be eligible to be candidates for office.  The Election Committee shall be appointed at least three (3) months before the installation of officers.


Section 3. Eligibility for Office.  Any active members of the Chapter shall be eligible to run for office. 


Section 4. Nominations.  The Election Committee shall finalize a list of nominees for the offices of the Chapter.  After eligibility to be nominated has been validated, the Election Committee shall proceed to publish and circulate a ballot.


Section 5. Eligibility to Vote.  Any active and associate members shall be eligible to vote.


Section 6. Balloting.  Election by paper balloting or electronic balloting shall be allowed.  The process must provide for reasonable access to all eligible voters and for the confidentiality and security of such voting process.


Section 7. Counting.  The Election Committee shall declare winners based on majority vote.


Section 8. Installation of Officers.  The newly elected officers shall be installed no later than the first meeting following election of officers.  However, they shall not take office until the following January.  All officers shall have an orientation on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised prior to taking office.


Article IX - Amendments to Bylaws

Section 1. Amendments.  Proposed amendments shall be submitted by the Executive Board or by the General Membership to the Bylaws Committee.


Section 2. Vote on Amendments.  These bylaws shall be amended by two-thirds (⅔) vote at the meetings of the General Membership.


Article X- Registered Agent

The full name and post office address of the Chapter’s registered agent shall be:


New Orleans Alumni Chapter

Xavier University of Louisiana

1 Drexel Drive, Campus PO Box 203

New Orleans, LA 70125